Hard Work Is The Answer, Or Is It?

Questions the assumption that the options available, for a decision, are fair.

1. Get in the middle of a situation where you have to decide whether you want to make you heart happy, or your future-self happy.

2. Realize that what your heart wants is idling around and enjoying at home with zero hard work or effort. Thus it strives to keep you safely tucked in your comfort zone.

3. Have a few friends tell you that they think you should go with the option that requires hard work.

4. Give in to their persuasion and accept the hard work choice.

5. Later listen to your brain telling you that all that hard work will be for nothing because that particular option steers you away from your long-term goals and pushes you towards a path of mediocrity.

6. Finally come to the conclusion that the options presented to you were rigged because there was no right choice. You were being tested for something completely different and you are yet to understand what it was.

7. Hope for the best and give in to the daily grind for no particular reason, except for working hard because “We must work hard!”, even when it leads you nowhere.